Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Canadian Thanksgiving 2011

 Over 3 weeks ago now, we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with a few other families, complete with turkey, stuffing, gravy, potatoes, veggies, salads, and lots of wonderful desserts.  The newest family arrived in their Canadian t-shirts (red and white of course) and our family had a chuckle, because that's what we did our first year here as well.  Although I really (really) miss family during this time, it was a great dinner just getting to hang with people that ironically, in such a small community, we don't get to see that often.  It's the same everywhere you live...life gets busy, you get into your regular routine, and you miss opportunities to get together with other families.  What's really strange for me is that at this particular event, Tris and I were the 'older couple'.  It's hard to get out of my head (where I'm 34 and always will be!!) that although I used to be a member of the younger crowd, those days are p ast, and my kids are closer to that stage than I am!!  Children at this dinner ranged from a few months old, to old-times Matthew and Abby (Matt hadn't turned 16 yet).
Living in this international community brings us another opportunity for turkey, gravy and fellowship once again in late November.  This next one will be a lot larger, with way more food to choose from, and even more people to catch up with.
Can't get any cozier!

the men just wouldn't snuggle into a cozy group photo!
Matt & Abby 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm always so happy to be able to read about your life.What would life be like if we didn't have this modern way of communicating with skype,pictures,hot mail and blogspot. I'm a very grateful Grandma and Mom.I love you. Mom.