Friday, April 9, 2010

I've got the Joy down in my heart

Have you ever had such a good day or week that you feel like you are going to burst with contentment and joy? One of those weeks where there's nothing really specific that you can point at and say "THAT made me happy..."? That is how I would describe my week. It's a bit ironic, really, because, like I said, I didn't really have anything specific that made this an extra special week, and in fact almost daily I have received some kind of sad or worrisome news. What I think has happened is that I've had a full week, and I like full. I've been with Abby in some capacity or other all week, either during a field trip (to a pollution/earthquake/water monitoring station and also to World Vision's staff launch of Child Health Now), a presentation in her class pod (Student Led Conferences where she showed me her school work and sang me 2 songs in music class, as well as a presentation by a Pelita Harapan school needing sponsorship), watching her play basketball at her SPH cup, and watching her sing a small solo for the Easter assembly in Junior Choir. In the same assembly Matt and his hiphop crew danced 2 songs, and I was so proud to watch them both during this school gathering. Abby and I also had the privilege of sharing dinner with a group of families who live in some nearby slums.

Also during this week a friend had a baby girl (beautiful Aliya, 2.5 kgs and lots of lovely hair), and old(-ish) friends have returned to Indo for a visit. If you visited before last June or read any of my blogs in the first year, you may remember Abby's grade 5 teacher, Mr. Jonny, and his wife Mel. They've come to visit SPH friends and have brought their beautiful baby Zoe, who is now six months. Their story a year ago is that Mel was thought to be having a tubal pregnancy and there were fears that the baby would not make it. Just seeing Zoe's beautiful smile shows how God answers prayer.

Intermingled in all of this good news are bits and pieces of sad and sometimes disheartening, most of which won't make it to this blog post. I will say that sadly, my good friend Jamie is leaving for the US in two weeks. Her presence here in Indo and in my own life will be sadly missed; she has been a tremendous encouragement to me during my transition to Indonesia and away from my home in Canada. She'll be breaking up the "Kimmie and Jimmie" team but, as the lesson is constantly learned here, that's the way life is and we've just got to be thankful for the blessings we receive as we receive them and as we reflect upon the past.

Like I've said, nothing terribly exciting or out of this world, but this week has been full of people and connecting. Next week I look forward to another field trip with Abby, a possible trip to Mangga Dua to buy a wig or two to take home with me (for the kids!!), dinner with friends, a trip to the orthodontist with Matt (it's the closest thing I get to a date with my son...he's trapped in the car with me for at least 3 hours that day and so we'll have a good chat I'm sure), my first meeting as Karawaci Ladies pres, cramming in as much time with Jamie as possible, as well as visiting a bit more with our Australian friends. While I am doing this, may I ask that you pray for our friend Zoey from British Columbia, who I have mentioned now and then on this blog as well. She goes in for some major surgery on April 15th, and I'll post specifically on what her parent's requests are.

Thanks for reading.

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