Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tomorrow, tomorrow!!

What do you do when you have 2 large suitcases half packed, a carry-on to organize, glasses to get repaired, groceries to shop for, and odds and ends to complete the day before you leave for your home country after TWO LONG YEARS??? You sit at the computer and blog, of course.

Things are winding up here for us. I've got my lists, and my lists of my lists, and Tris' lists that he probably will glance at and forego for the one that's in his head. I've celebrated my 40th once already (and so it begins!) with nine beautiful ladies at the Marriott Hotel. Abby's dress is made and her hair is cut and layered (and she's learned how to maintain her wild curls), so she's ready for her grade 6 celebration. Matthew is working on final school projects and our house seems to always have teenagers hanging about. Unlike most teachers in our school, Tris' classes' exams don't begin until this week and so rather than spending his first week pining over me, he'll be up to his eyeballs in physics exams. Abby's got a countdown going in her room and there are only 11 days until school is out. Tomorrow, I fly.

I have to admit, this is the first time that I've spent alone on a jet plane. I did fly from Bali to Jakarta alone when I had dengue (it wasn't that bad) but that was a short flight. This time, I am tentative and am praying I don't forget anything. Last year was my first time alone in a hotel, when Tris had surgery in Singapore. I did that just fine and so flying shouldn't be all that difficult.

Mostly, I am so excited about heading home that I'm not sure whether I'll laugh or cry when I see my in-laws' smiling faces at the airport. I do know that it's supposed to be cold (what's with THAT??) and so as soon as I get a few visits with family in, I'll have to head out shopping. I'm sure I can handle that.

Procrastination time is over and packing and shopping continues.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Katelyn said...

hi, it's Katelyn Perry.
I hope your having lots of fun in indonisia!! Please can you get Abby to email me? my email is
Thanks so much, Katelyn
P.S. the URL on this comment is the blog I made for my school environment club. abby should check out the blog ms. bystrom made for challenge;