Friday, November 14, 2008

New Contact Info

As of some time this month the name of our township has changed from Lippo Karawaci to Lippo Village. Apparently 15 years ago when the village was built it was called Lippo Village, but then Indonesian law dictated that all names had to be in Indonesian. The village was then called Lippo Karawaci until now, and so I'm asking any of you who have our address written down somewhere to change "karawaci" to "village" for when you post.

Today is the day of the "big shopping trip" where a bunch of us are riding a bus into Jakarta and its outskirts, shopping in all of the little outback places. Hallelujah, no malls! I'm not too sure what we're looking for but I'm excited nonetheless. Tris is headed into Jakarta as well for an International Baccaulaureate teachers conference (again) at the British International School (BIS). Abby is going to babysit one of my friend's three children (ages 5 and under); her first paying job! Fortunately my friend's helper Aaz (said "O-oz") will be there to watch over the bunch. Matt's just hanging; he loves to do that on Saturdays.

I hope that as we are starting our day and yours is just beginning to wind down that you are having a great start to a great weekend.

Thanks for reading.

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