Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday already!

Well, it seems these blogs are getting fewer and further between. That's not necessarily because we're busy; rather, it's because we're just doing each day and nothing terribly exciting has happened. Just to fill you in on what's going on around this house:

*on Sunday Tris and Abby went on a date to the mall to buy some sports equipment. While they were there they bought a Christmas cd for me. We were listening to it tonight (yes, it's 30 degrees outside and we're inside listening to Christmas music in November) and Tris had a very sad thought. He realized that this Christmas Eve we will not be driving up Mount Washington and he will not be playing guitar for the Christmas Eve service. Our family had a very sad moment at the dinner table, and then the kids started reminiscing about Christmas Eve with the Gaglardi kids. Memories are precious.

*Our sofabed is here, so you can come for a visit! It's pretty big, but the option was a teeny-tiny Indonesian-sized couch, so this one is the North American version. Literally, we got the original model "super-sized."

*Life is so different here. We've walked so much that i've worn out the soles of my Naot sandals...similar to Berkinstocks. I'd buy a new pair of shoes but so far it's been very difficult to find any. Most shoe sizes only go up to about an 8, if you are lucky. Indonesian feet are so small! Thanks, Dale, for ordering 2 new pairs of a month I'll have some new shoes if I don't find some here. As for our car, we have had it for a few weeks and have 342 km on it. In Courtenay we'd have that racked up in a day!!!

*Last night I had a major brain-fart and had a great idea: I'd phone mom and dad! Well, unfortunately, they weren't home, so I'd assumed they must be out eating dinner together on a date or something. I left a message and then phoned my wonderful friend, Ruth Fox. Wasn't I surprised when she answered "Heeelllloooo?" in a 'middle-of-the-night" voice. Yup, it was almost 5 in the morning, and I not only woke up Ruth, but I managed to wake up mom and dad as well. Somehow I got my times out of whack. I'm so sorry mom, dad and ruth, but it sure was nice to talk to you:)

Not a terribly exciting post. No explosions, no rats, no snakes. The mold came back in a different spot on our ceiling but that was taken care of again today. I went to the mall today and bought 2 red candles and 2 fake mini-wreaths to go around them. Christmas is coming, and that's exciting! My mom and dad should arrive on 12 Dec, and school's out 17 December.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christmas is definitely going to be a contrast to anything we've ever known. There's just something about singing Christmas carols in the heat! I tried getting rid of some of the clothes from my suitcase but need to be even more ruthless.I just need to Cheezies and chocolate bars..pray that I can get everything in and also can spread the weight around. Love.Mom.