Friday, February 13, 2009

The Facts

My last two posts have been rather "thoughtful" and I figure some people read this blog to get the facts about our life here. Here are a few things happening around here:
Tris: Tris has been home sick Thursday and Friday. We'll head into the doctor this weekend to see if this illness is related to the one he had in Lombock. He's over the bathroom stints but is very tired. Please pray.
Matthew: Basketball try outs started this week. Matt's not too sure he's got the skills to make the team but we're proud of him that he's gone and toughed it out regardless. He's working hard at school and especially loves his art class.
Abby: She's in basketball as well, but all kids make the team. She's studying for a piano theory exam next month.
Both kids are learning to cook, Matt at school and Abby at home on the weekends. So far Abby and I have made Apple Crisp and French Toast. Not sure what's next on the list, but maybe she can work alongside Matthew, who learned how to make an incredibly good spaghetti sauce last week at school.
Myself: I'm feeling great, and am not napping anymore (at least not more than I would normally). I find I am spending a lot of time in my kitchen each day. I am back to volunteering at school on Tuesdays and have been going to Lippo Ladies meetings. These ladies are looking at fundraising and where to invest the profits, and I have signed on to be a part of that. This gets me out into the community more, outside of SPH community, which I think it healthy. I'm excited about this opportunity to be a part of this ladies' group, because they're not into a lot of 'hoopla' and just want to raise money, have fun raising it, and finding places to invest. My kind of ladies.

Our school is putting on the play "The Wizard of Oz" this weekend and we're heading off to see it. It's had great reviews from other parents so far!

Thanks for reading.

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