Thursday, July 30, 2009

Two Hundredth Posting!

And to think I still have words left...this is my 200th posting. Hooray!

First week of school is almost over. Abby's waiting to find out if she's in drama or not (drama queen needs an outlet) and Matt just signed up to play drums for band. Abby's PE teacher just found out that our daughter is quite a fast runner. It'll be interesting to see if she does anything with it this year. Matt is still hoping to join after-school hiphop. A friend of mine is training to be a Jazzercise teacher and so I got to practice with her this's a little similar to hip hop with a thai Bo twist.

Tris needs a bit of prayer. His shoulder muscles have atrophied a little bit and there are gaps in his shoulder where muscle should be. We have been spending a lot of time at the hospital lately while he gets a variety of treatments (usually 1 1/2 hours per visit...lots of waiting), and he does quite a few stretching and strength building exercises at home and at work. His muscles fatigue very easily and so by 10 am he is ready to lay down (the best form of relief for him) but still has at least 5 more hours of work ahead of him each day.

I am back to my schedule of trying to find a schedule. Who knows what is in store for this year, but I am looking forward to it.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Colleen and Jussi said...

It is so cool to read your blog but we sure do miss you. It is hard for us to stay put lots of days but we are working on it. Right now it is the FunRun for Ghana in Sept, then...Jussi back to work but it is so hit and miss and with another two months off lately hard to catch up enough to save for a visit. Know we love ya and miss ya, Praying for Tris, UC and C