Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Power Outages

Six days until Aunt Sam!

For the last week or so we've been dealing with power outages. At first they were short, only 4 hours. The last one lasted about 8. Thankfully we've been given a schedule and can adjust our lives accordingly.

What's happened is that one of the large power plants in Jakarta has lost a generator due to a fire. As a result a new part has been ordered for the generator, and there isn't enough electricity to go around while we wait for the part to come in and to get installed. The city turns off power in a grid system, and typically our area loses power during the day.

I really can't complain. We had the power out last week from 6-10 pm and it was HOT. There was the option of going to the mall but we chose to stay home and eat popcorn made on the gas stove instead (hooray for gas that I know how to light one without it exploding in my face!). Honestly, when we were moving here my expectations were so low as to what our house and neighbourhood were going to be like, at least until friends emailed us a photo of our house, that I didn't know if a/c was going to be a part of our lives. Now that it is, I am just spoiled. Mostly we have a/c, and I have a car with a/c, and we have nearby areas we can go with a/c. Thankfully the school has a generator and it has a/c during the day, too.

I guess the most irritating thing is that sometimes the power gets cut off a little earlier than planned, and so I get caught unawares, and any computer work I am doing gets cut off right in the midd

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