Sunday, December 13, 2009

Baby Boy Update

A quick update on the little baby boy I wrote about earlier. So far he's had the surgery and that went well. Now he is supposed to stay at the hospital and recuperate. His mom and dad will be able to visit during regular visiting hours but are not allowed to spend the night. Please pray that he heals well and that he gains some weight. My friend said that when she held him, it was like holding an empty blanket he's so small. My biggest prayer is that this new family will see the hope and love that Christmas season is all about. Christmas means very little here in Indonesia, but I pray that they see the hand of God in the lives of their son, and that they realize the truth.

Ultimate frisbee and swimming are over today, the family is settling into homework and computer work, possibly even a movie, for the night. It's interesting that no matter who has come to stay here, one of the first things our company does is turn on their computer and even during visiting times, emails friends. What was life like before computers?

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Colleen and Jussi said...

Still praying, and before computers we would have to really work on hard on keeping in touch. miss ya friend, luv to all