Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Finally figured out how to Download Phone Photos!

After owning our Nokia camera phones for almost two months, we've just figured out how to download our photos to the computer. This is a photo of Tris' dislocated shoulder. Check out how square it is!

This next one is a good comparison of his "in" shoulder and his "out" shoulder. The ONLY reason he is smiling here is that he's pretty high on the painkillers. Photo taken at about the 9th hour of the 11 hours the shoulder was dislocated.

Third photo is of Abby's hair when she got it straightened after a cream bath. grown up looking.

Seconds after we bought my phone the kids got a hold of it and starting taking photos.

It's fun having this phone because I can take photos of randomly weird things that I see around town, like this funny hand-written price sign at a local bakery...although I was all alone I just HAD to take the photo!!

This little sweetheart is my friend Esther's little girl, and she wouldn't smile but would gladly give me a weird face.

When Candace and I headed to the slums I decided that since I kept bringing my big camera this time I'd go without one, just so they didn't think they were always on show. However, we did get a small shot of us...not very glamorous for sure, but since it was the only one, I'll post it for Candace's sake.

These are the kinds of signs you see in the public bathrooms here. You can use your imagination.

Here's Candace at the Marriott holding my dessert plate...check out the size of it! I actually went back for more after that was done, but you would too if you had tasted the ice cream.

Finally, here's Candace at her 2nd cream bath. This is the cream bath where I couldn't get her to chat, and she just responded with the odd blink. I think she liked it.

Thanks for reading!

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