Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Eagle Has Landed

She's here! Dale Olmstead arrived yesterday, browner than me and coming from West Coast Canada. Go figure. All the junkfood she brought has been safely stored away, some of it eaten already (cheezies and Big Turks...yeah!). In case I don't ever say it properly, thanks to those of you who sent items with Dale. Mom & Dad, Sam & Pat, Bernice Millar, Vince & Kate, Ruth Fox, Ruth Graham, Marlene, and Kathleen.....what a treat it is to receive goodies from home. Thank you! Dale was a trooper, dragging a huge fold-down bag here, and it was FULL of Canadian chocolate and treats. Yum!

Today Dale was introduced to my Wednesday bible study girls and took a tour of our school. We took her on a very quick trip to the mall, but had to rush home so that we didn't miss our 7 o'clock show...We're all sitting and watching American Idol so I can't be long. Just wanted to make sure that those who have been asking know that Dale is safe, swollen (sausages toes are a common symptom when flying from Canada to Jakarta!!), and not nearly as sleepy as I thought she'd be.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that Dale is finally in Lippo having fun with you!I know you girls will pack every moment of this visit and it will be one to remember for both of you.Kim the new color is so much better-thanks I don't need glasses now.Love Mom.