Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cicaks are falling on my head (sung to "Raindrops Keep Falling...")+

Wow. It's like it never stops. Fried cicak (microwave), sliced cicak (Matt's tail removal), boiled cicak (my friend's hot water), and now they're falling from the sky. Well, the ceiling, anyways. Matt was washing his hands last night and just missed near death (whose, we're not sure) when a cicak fell from the ceiling into the sink. Good thing Matt wasn't gargling mouthwash with his lips in the air!! I must say, however, that I would much rather tackle these rather cute little creatures than a rat or snake any day.

Today Matt and I are heading to the mall to watch an afternoon movie, Valkylrie we hope. Abby's heading to help at a 5 year old girl's birthday party and Tris is heading to the gym after school. Nothing too exciting on the agenda but it's a fun day for us. School gets out at 12:30 on Wednesdays and it gives us opportunities to have some fun during the day (kids and I, at least).

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

You've talked about snakes.rats and other creeping critters and I never saw anything but a little cicak!Are you sure there are snakes and rats in Indonesia!

kim said...

Did you read the Weeda's blog? Don't you remember the dancing mice in the villa in Puncak? Those were creeping critters.

Colleen and Jussi said...

I do miss your sense of humort..check out my FB and see some great spring pics of the valley, luv c