Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lost in Translation

Indonesia is the land of photocopying/cd burning. Our local mall has one entire section dedicated to booths selling burned dvds. Below is a copy of the cover of a burned cd of "Defiance." If you can, double click it to make it bigger and check out the translated praise of a few choice viewers. "...Too noble and unrealistic for the circumstances..." is one quote. Take a closer look. For the record, don't go by the quotes. It isn't really all that bad; in fact I quite enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it hilarious what they write and how they translate and put the subtitles in.remember Bali! One thing though at least you got to watch the whole movie unlike half of the 75 cent movies I brought home.Thanks for your blog. I love it! Love Mom.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! I stumbled by accident onto your blog and have actually laughed myself silly! My husband and I visited Lippo Karawaci recently to stay with my sister and brother-in-law (you may know them - they teach at SPH - Mel and Jon Carpenter) and we had some of the exact same experiences as you! Stayed in Danau Biru, found cicaks EVERYWERE!, and bought the Defiance DVD and read the quotes with a giggle. Thanks for reminding me of the funny things of Indonesia. Keep up the good blog! Sarah.