Monday, April 20, 2009

Papuan Neighbours

There's a house behind us that I've referred to now and then, and usually it is connected with the words "neighbours" and "noisy." We have recently connected with these neighbours and have found out that they are children are here from Papua (which we knew already). Papua used to be known as Irian Jaya. These beautiful children are here for an education and right now they're studying hard to pass 3 exams: city wide, provincial and then national. If they can pass, they can return next year to continue their studies. I have yet to find out what happens to them if they do not pass. Twice now we've had the privilege of playing soccer with them on SPH fields. Last night they came over to watch an Indonesian dvd called "Laska Pelangi," which means "rainbow troops." We watched with English subtitles. It's a video about a muslim school on an island that used to be rich (in the 1970s) in tin and with its least the owners of the companies were rich. Most children who didn't go to a private school ended up being a 'coolie.' Very basic movie but quite touching. What was better than the movie was watching these kids laugh REALLY LOUD. Their house mom kept being concerned that the kids were being too loud, but when you are watching a movie you can never laugh too loud (except when it's late and your neighbours are trying to get a good sleep for work tomorrow). I wanted to whip out my camera, but I still have that camera shyness where I don't want to offend someone by just snapping their photo, so when I get to know them a bit better I hope to take some more laughing shots. They're beautiful. Almost as beautiful as when Matt and Abby laugh uninhibited but not quite. Nothing is as beautiful as those two.

Although it seems that most of the 9 Papuan children have families back on Papua, there are a few without parents. One of them is Telly, and she's the youngest of the bunch. She lives with her grandmother when she is not here, and she's one of the ones who has especially touched my heart. I don't know whether it's because she's the youngest and shyest of the group, or if it's because she reminds me a bit of my sweet niece Lucy, especially when she looks out of the corner of her eye at me. If you look at the group photo there is a fellow sitting in a chair to the far right. His name is Amos (Ah-moss) and he is the other one who has particularly reeled me in by the heartstrings. He's the eldest and has very little english, though he tries. One time I asked him a question and he wouldn't answer; his house mom's response was that Abby was standing next to me and Amos wouldn't answer because Abby is too beautiful. That made me smile. Like the other boys, Amos LOVES soccer.

This is nine year old Telly.

I have to admit, once I start to think about it, already each one of these kids has made me laugh or smile or want to cry, and they are each working their way into my heart..and they don't even know it.

This guy is 13 year old Amos

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there any chance you could adopt Amos and Telly? You always wanted dark kids!They are so cute and the more you're with them the more you'll love them and want them in your life.You are such a great mom and you have such a big heart.Enjoy loving on those kids for as long as you can, I love you. Mom.