Sunday, April 26, 2009

Random Thoughts Again

It's been a while since I've written and there are a few things that may be 'reader-worthy.' I think that our seasons have officially changed from wet season to dry over the last few weeks. How do I know this? Because my body responds accordingly and my family has this incredible ability to state the obvious. Usually the statements that are directed to me involve the word "sweat" such as "Hey, you walked here? Your back is all sweaty," or during a 1 1/2 hour game of ultimate frisbee "Gee mom, you are all sweaty. Gross." Very rarely in this climate do you hear the response "No sweat!" to a request, because it always involves sweat (unless there's a/c). Walking from the door to the car involves sweat. The other day I was considering a nice, dainty "drying cloth," which I would use to delicately dab the sweat off of my forehead. Great, except if I get real, I need a beach towel (in a pretty colour, of course) to get all of the sweat off. Yesterday after our Ultimate game, Tris looked like he'd stepped in a puddle of water because the tops of his runners were all wet. There were no puddles! During the game I hit an opponent accidentally, and although he was a really big guy I was not harmed in any way, only because when we collided the sweat layers just made me "skim" by. Gross. Why do I tell you this? Because it's new to us this year, and this blog is about what is new in our lives. The positive side? When I exercise in ANY way I always look like I've been working so hard, and there's got to be something said for that.

Last Friday night Matthew, Abby and their friend Neil Weeda went and visited the Papuan kids behind us. They went as a result of a project that Abby & Neil had to work on for grade 5, but Abby would like to go back and spend other Friday nights with them. All three kids ended up teaching small groups of kids English lessons. The Papuans had an English exam the next day and so we are hoping that it paid off in the end. From our house, it sounded like the whole gang was having a great time, so great that I ended up sneaking over and taking some photos. What's funny is that as soon as I started snapping shots most of the kids ran upstairs and grabbed their camera-phones and started snapping as well.

On Saturday we usually go to church in Jakarta, but this time we sent the kids with friends and attended the Lippo Ladies' Trivia for Education night. It was a night of trivia that was attended by about 85 people, which was awesome. Our original expectation was about 60 and we figured that we were aiming high. With the money that we earned we'll buy books and musical instruments for a specific school inLippo. Unlike the Muslim school that we painted, this one is run by a Christian couple and has paid staff.

Our team name was the "Dark Horses." Not sure why...maybe because we're on-the-ball fast when it comes to trivia? Anyways, we think we tied 2nd place. The raffle prizes were exceptional and the donors were very generous. I figure there was a prize for every 2 1/4 people. I would definitely help set up something like the trivia night again; already lots of people have asked when the next one is. For the record, our team was made up of (left to right): Bruce & Judy Comrie, Naomi (doing a 3 week practicum here from Australia), Christine Freeman, Amy Sanders and I, Alexis Hughes, Tris, Mel (glowing and growing a lovely belly) and Jonathon Carpenter.

That was our week up to yesterday. This Thursday I plan on heading into Jakarta to meet with Maria, the woman who will help me purchase the sewing machines for some slum ladies, courtesy of my mom & dads' gang of donor friends.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we went in the good season Kim. I'm not sure about the sweat and my beet red face! I may have lost the weight you promised me though.Great news about Abby and Matthew teaching the little kids English.Love Mom