Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Home on a weekday

Today is a Wednesday, it's 1 pm, and my whole family is home. Every Wednesday Matthew and Abby get off at 12:30 and the teachers stay on. However, Tris has come home not feeling (or looking) so good, so he's up in bed. The three of us are going to hunker down and watch an episode of Little House on the Prairie, a "comfort show" that we own courtesy of 20/20 girls and Candace. Thank you!

Abby's post for you:
I like Indonesia. It's fun. I'm being as basic as I can so I can drive my mom nuts (paraphrased by my mom). `My school is differant. It has a big pool, which the classes take swimming in. My class is 5B. In each grade, there is a pod area, where all of that grade do activities. Then there are the seperate classrooms. My teacher's names are Mr. Jonathan and Ibu Yuni. In each class there is one national teacher (Ibu Yuni) and one expat teacher (mr. Jonathan). Good bye.

That's Abby's post for you.

Thanks for reading.

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