Thursday, August 21, 2008

Singapore July 16-17, 2008

These photos are taken on our stopover in Singapore. We thought that we'd share a bit of our past with you thru these photos...couldn't do it earlier because we hadn't downloaded our small digital camera until today. The cloudy photo is of an early Singapore city morning, taken through Abby's and my hotel window. The second on the right is of the Singapore Flyer, the largest observation "whatever" in the world. Each little capsule is actually a large glass room through which you can see all over the city, just like in the photo to the right.

Sharing this experience with us are our new friends, the Weeda family as well as Stephen Poindexter (USA) and Hannah Paten (Australia). Hannah's in the back beside Tris and Janet is front and centre. Stephen P. is at the back on the right and Steve Weeda is next, with Neil, Eric and Hope on the bench in front of him. We are thankful for each one of the new people in this photo. They're just what the doctor ordered!

To the left is a photo taken at the highest point of the lookout. This is way, way up!

Next, after the Flyer, we headed to Raffles to get our photo taken at the historical Raffles Long Bar...just for Aunt Sam! Unfortunately we weren't able to have a Singapore Sling there (Tris and I shared one later in honour of Aunt Sam; it was great). It looks as though that photo is going to have to wait, however. Once again I have had to compromise with the computer in order to get photos to the 'outside' world.

As for my last post, for those of you who are concerned, please don't be. I think that if you don't mourn, you don't get on with the next stage that is there for you, and that is what I have to do. I'm excited about what is in store for me, even if I'm not quite sure yet what it is. Thank you for your prayers, because we are very aware of them!

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog! Thanks for posting about your adventures and the journey. I'm catching up on some of your past posts and really enjoying it. I was so glad when Gene told me that you guys where watching the service on Sunday -- it was a great service.

Hudson is on the mainland at my sisters this week and feeling quite homesick so while I've been praying for him I've also been praying for you.

Your step of faith to head out on this adventure is so encouraging. Pls say hello to Tris, Matthew & Abbey.